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  • Arturo Toscanini

    1 7,69%
  • Camille Chevillard

    0 0%
  • Aristide Filoselle

    5 38,46%
  • Pierre Monteux

    4 30,77%
  • Bugs Bunny

    4 30,77%
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Discussion: Arturo Toscanini !

  1. #1
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360

    Arturo Toscanini !

    Un magazine fort célèbre propose en cadeau bonux un formidable CD : Symphonie n°9 de Dvorak, symphonie n°4 de Mendelssohn, Ouverture d'Obéron de Weber et les Murmures de la forêt de Wagner ( je cueille parfois des mûres en forêt mais jamais des murmures... bizarre ! ) par le NBC et Toscanini ! C'est du connu pour les amateurs et spécialistes mais je ne saurais trop conseiller l'achat de ce CD ( la lecture du magazine peut se faire éventuellement ) pour ceux qui voudraient découvrir le grand chef !

    On ne va pas ouvrir une discussion juste pour faire de la pub...
    Aussi, je propose aux admirateurs du grand Arturo d'en profiter et de nous faire partager leur enthousiasme avec des interprétations célèbres mais aussi de derrière les fagots ! Et puis Arturo a peut être raté des trucs... Evidemment les farouches détracteurs peuvent venir discuter ... mais pas trop fort !!!...

    Attention ! N'oubliez pas de répondre au sondage !

    Dernière modification par thierry h ; 01/07/2009 à 14h33.

  2. #2
    - Avatar de mah70
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2007
    6 272
    Raté des trucs? Ça se saurait....
    La seule certitude que j'ai, c'est d'être dans le doute. (Pierre Desproges)

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 056
    Citation Envoyé par mah70 Voir le message
    Raté des trucs? Ça se saurait....
    Evidemment, écrire qu'A. Toscanini a raté des trucs serait grave débilos. Sauf que... contrairement à mah, dont j'ai cru comprendre que l'enfance a baigné dans les interprétations du Maestrissimo, je ne me suis jamais fait à la sonorité, disons assez particulière, de ses exécutions avec l'orchestre de la NBC, tout en excluant un assez gros paquet d'entre elles de ce jugement. Liste pas du tout exhaustive desdites exclusions :
    - l'ouverture d'Iphigénie en Aulide et 2ème acte d'Orphée de Gluck,
    - tous les enregistrements de Mendelssohn,
    - Mort et transfiguration,
    - 1ère de Brahms dans l'enregistrement de 1941,
    - 2ème symphonie de Schumann,
    - Symphonie "Eroica" et ouverture de Leonore 3 de 1939...

    De fait, le Toscanini que je préfère est le plus souvent celui... qui ne dirige pas l'orchestre de la NBC (au passage, cet orchestre sonne beaucoup moins "agressif" avec d'autres chefs comme D. Mitropoulos, B. Walter ou même C. Munch). Je place ainsi au sommet tout ce qu'il nous a laissé avec les orchestres philharmonique de New York, de la BBC, de Philadelphie et les Brahms avec le Philharmonia.


  4. #4
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360
    Pour ceux qui aiment Toscanini et les piafs !

  5. #5
    Membre Avatar de hideux67
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 250
    Citation Envoyé par co2monamour Voir le message
    Evidemment, écrire qu'A. Toscanini a raté des trucs serait grave débilos. Sauf que... contrairement à mah, dont j'ai cru comprendre que l'enfance a baigné dans les interprétations du Maestrissimo, je ne me suis jamais fait à la sonorité, disons assez particulière, de ses exécutions avec l'orchestre de la NBC, tout en excluant un assez gros paquet d'entre elles de ce jugement. Liste pas du tout exhaustive desdites exclusions :
    - l'ouverture d'Iphigénie en Aulide et 2ème acte d'Orphée de Gluck,
    - tous les enregistrements de Mendelssohn,
    - Mort et transfiguration,
    - 1ère de Brahms dans l'enregistrement de 1941,
    - 2ème symphonie de Schumann,
    - Symphonie "Eroica" et ouverture de Leonore 3 de 1939...

    De fait, le Toscanini que je préfère est le plus souvent celui... qui ne dirige pas l'orchestre de la NBC (au passage, cet orchestre sonne beaucoup moins "agressif" avec d'autres chefs comme D. Mitropoulos, B. Walter ou même C. Munch). Je place ainsi au sommet tout ce qu'il nous a laissé avec les orchestres philharmonique de New York, de la BBC, de Philadelphie et les Brahms avec le Philharmonia.

    Je retirerais de la liste de Co2 la 1ère de Brahms de 1941 qui est sa meilleure version enregistrée de l'oeuvre, du moins avec le NBC, bien que ce type d'interprétation ne puisse pas plaire à beaucoup de monde.

    Pour le reste, concernant le son Toscanini/NBC, il semblerait que selon certains collectionneurs anglophones et francophones, les premières éditions des enregistrements RCA (publiées du vivant de Toscanini) sont plus fidèles au "Toscanini sound" que les rééditions qui leur ont succédé (en 33T et cd : son de plus en plus agressif et ce jusqu'à la fameuse intégrale de ses enregistrements de la Toscanini Collection chez RCA, puis revirement à 180° dans les rééditions ultérieures du type "Immortal" : un son plus "aimable", "faked stereo" selon certains spécialistes).

    Concernant les spécialistes du repiquage sévissant chez M&A, Pristine et Naxos, il y a unanimité pour dire que les différents remasterings réalisés au cours des décennies par les gens de RCA sont tout de même forts médiocres (et peu fidèles) par rapport au potentiel des "bandes mères" .

    Si vous écoutez les enregistrements stéréos (Rossini, Tchaikovsky et Wagner) laissés par Toscanini en 1954 (ces deux derniers concerts radiophoniques) et publiés par M&A, Arkadia, Original et autres, il n'y a rien de ce côté agressif que l'on retrouve dans les enregistrements RCA, on y retrouve un sonorité "lumineuse" qui me fait penser en "écoute aveugle" à la sonorité d'Abbado aujourd'hui.

    Il est à noter que ces enregistrements stéréo de 1954 se caractérisent par des défaillances inhabituelles du Maestro imputées à son grand âge pour certains, au stress, à l'abattement, à l'inquiétude pour l'avenir de ses musiciens pour d'autres, vu que Toscanini savait depuis 1953 (au moins) que l'orchestre serait dissous à la fin de la saison 1953/1954, bien avant qu'il ait son fameux trou de mémoire du 4 avril 1954 et l'annonce de son retrait.

    Les enregistrements à Philadelphie sont tout de même assez médiocres d'un point de vue sonore, bandes ou enregistrements assez "loupés"
    Dernière modification par hideux67 ; 01/07/2009 à 23h01.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 056
    Bonsoir hideux67, je me suis mal fait comprendre : la liste pas du tout exhaustive que j'ai faite est celle des exceptions à la règle : Toscanini-NBC, c'est trop agressif pour que je n'écoute que ça. Autrement dit, nous sommes d'accord, la 1ère de Brahms de 1941 est son meilleur enregistrement de l'oeuvre, même si je place le concert avec le Philharmonia sensiblement au même niveau. De même, les autres enregistrements cités, entre beaucoup d'autres, sont parmi les plus belles versions qu'on puisse souhaiter.

    A l'inverse, les symphonies de Brahms d'après-guerre ou la "Surprise" de Haydn chez RCA par exemple, c'est un peu trop "astringent" pour mes vieilles oreilles de furtwänglerien.

    Quant à la qualité des éditions et rééditions successives par rapport à celle des bandes mères, je ne me prononce pas. Cependant, je ne peux pas ne pas remarquer qu'à la même époque et dans ce même studio 8H ou ce même Carnegie Hall, le NBC sous la direction de B. Walter ou de D. Mitropoulos ne sonne pas du tout aussi agressivement qu'avec A. Toscanini.


  7. #7
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360
    Citation Envoyé par hideux67 Voir le message

    Concernant les spécialistes du repiquage sévissant chez M&A, Pristine et Naxos, il y a unanimité pour dire que les différents remasterings réalisés au cours des décennies par les gens de RCA sont tout de même forts médiocres (et peu fidèles) par rapport au potentiel des "bandes mères" .
    Voila le genre de truc qui me colle un bourdon terrible ! ( il semblerait qu'on puisse dire la même chose des rééditions successives d'Ancerl chez Supraphon... )
    Effectivement les enregistrements à Philadelphie sont... comment dire... ingrats !

  8. #8
    Membre Avatar de hideux67
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 250
    Citation Envoyé par co2monamour Voir le message

    Quant à la qualité des éditions et rééditions successives par rapport à celle des bandes mères, je ne me prononce pas. Cependant, je ne peux pas ne pas remarquer qu'à la même époque et dans ce même studio 8H ou ce même Carnegie Hall, le NBC sous la direction de B. Walter ou de D. Mitropoulos ne sonne pas du tout aussi agressivement qu'avec A. Toscanini.

    Tout à fait d'accord avec vous, mais les enregistrements cités ne sont pas édités par RCA mais par des labels qui lorsqu'ils publient des enregistrements de Toscanini (à partir de sources sonores "écoutables") ne les rendent pas aussi astringents, agressifs, papier de verre etc.....

    Parfois je me demande si RCA avait décidé durant des décennies que la philosophie sonore d'un enregistrement Toscanini = punch + sécheresse + agressivité+... alors que les bandes mères sont plus "agréables"

  9. #9
    Membre Avatar de hideux67
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 250
    Citation Envoyé par thierry h Voir le message
    Voila le genre de truc qui me colle un bourdon terrible ! ( il semblerait qu'on puisse dire la même chose des rééditions successives d'Ancerl chez Supraphon... )
    Effectivement les enregistrements à Philadelphie sont... comment dire... ingrats !

    Ancerl , au hasard : sa 2e de Brahms, Oedipe Rex sonnent mieux en 33T qu'en cd.

    idem pour Talich : 8e et 9e symphonies de Dvorak

    Par contre les DG des années 70 ou tous les CBS sonnent nettement mieux en cd

  10. #10
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 056
    Hideux67 a dit :
    "Tout à fait d'accord avec vous, mais les enregistrements cités ne sont pas édités par RCA mais par des labels qui lorsqu'ils publient des enregistrements de Toscanini (à partir de sources sonores "écoutables") ne les rendent pas aussi astringents, agressifs, papier de verre etc.....

    Parfois je me demande si RCA avait décidé durant des décennies que la philosophie sonore d'un enregistrement Toscanini = punch + sécheresse + agressivité+... alors que les bandes mères sont plus "agréables

    Mouais, certes, certes, mais j'ai un contre exemple, à savoir un disque RCA de la 2ème symphonie de Sibelius par l'orchestre de la NBC sous la direction de L. Stokowsky. Je ne sais pas s'il a été réédité en CD, mais je peux vous certifier que sur ce disque, qui date exactement du mandat d'Arturo, l'orchestre de la NBC est méconnaissable : sonorités "grasses" (au sens mélioratif du terme, façon piano d'E. Guillels, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire), basses nourries, violons chaleureux, cuivres veloutés,... bref, stokowskyen, quoi.
    Et ça m'étonnerait beaucoup que la prise de son de ce disque ait été assurée par des personnels différents de ceux qui s'occupaient de celles d'Arturo. Il est vrai, cependant, que Stokowsky avait la réputation d'être très attentif à la qualité des prises de son, mais quand même...


  11. #11
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360
    Une petite 5ème pour bien finir la journée !

  12. #12
    Membre Avatar de hideux67
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 250
    Citation Envoyé par co2monamour Voir le message

    Parfois je me demande si RCA avait décidé durant des décennies que la philosophie sonore d'un enregistrement Toscanini = punch + sécheresse + agressivité+... alors que les bandes mères sont plus "agréables

    Mouais, certes, certes, mais j'ai un contre exemple, à savoir un disque RCA de la 2ème symphonie de Sibelius par l'orchestre de la NBC sous la direction de L. Stokowsky. Je ne sais pas s'il a été réédité en CD, mais je peux vous certifier que sur ce disque, qui date exactement du mandat d'Arturo, l'orchestre de la NBC est méconnaissable : sonorités "grasses" (au sens mélioratif du terme, façon piano d'E. Guillels, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire), basses nourries, violons chaleureux, cuivres veloutés,... bref, stokowskyen, quoi.
    Et ça m'étonnerait beaucoup que la prise de son de ce disque ait été assurée par des personnels différents de ceux qui s'occupaient de celles d'Arturo. Il est vrai, cependant, que Stokowsky avait la réputation d'être très attentif à la qualité des prises de son, mais quand même...

    Nous sommes donc d'accord. De leur vivant Toscanini et Stokowski étaient attentifs à ce qu'ils entendaient de leurs enregistrements sur disque.

    Si l'on fait la synthèse de ce qui se lit sur le web:

    1) Le "Toscanini sound" en concert est reconnu comme remarquable par de nombreux témoins y compris avec son orchestre de la NBC. Bref, il sait faire sonner un orchestre. Hors les rééditions des disques RCA nous laisse une image sonore style "papier de verre". D'où la question pourquoi cela ne colle-t-il pas la prise de son ou son transfert vers le disque et ce que l'auditeur entend en concert ?

    2) Les prises de son des "bandes mères" de Toscanini sont nettement plus agréables et plus fidèles que ce que l'on entend au disque et sont donc plus fidèles à ce que les auditeurs entendaient dans la salle (même avec le NBC). Les disques (78 T) édités du vivant de Toscanini étaient beaucoup plus "agréables" à écouter. Mais ce sont les rééditions et les nouveaux "remasterings", après le décès de Toscanini qui ont imposé cette image "astringente", alors que les enregistrements stéréos (d'origine radiophonique) de 1954 du Maestro sont "lumineux" bien loin de ces disques où le son est sec et agressif. C'est plutôt le transfert (bande-mère vers disque) qui est déficient plutôt que la prise de son en elle-même. Tiens le Stokowski semble justement dater de 1954.

    Pourquoi Toscanini enregistré par Walter Legge (les Brahms avec le Philharmonia) a plus de "sex appeal" que ce que l'on entend chez RCA ?
    Dernière modification par hideux67 ; 02/07/2009 à 23h19.

  13. #13
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2008
    1 912


    reste nombre de concerts radios, dans un son de toute façon médiocre, à écouter, avec autre chose que les éternels fonds de tiroir du répertoire italo-germanique...

  14. #14
    Membre Avatar de hideux67
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    1 250
    Voici une chronologie des concerts et enregistrements d'AT et le NBC SO :

    Arturo Toscanini
    The NBC Symphony Orchestra Chronology

    December 25 1937
    Vivaldi: Concerto Op.3 No. 11
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1

    January 1, 1938
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9
    Beethoven: Quartet No. 16 in F, op. 135 - Lento & Scherzo
    Strauss: Death And Transfiguration

    January 8, 1938
    Mozart: Magic Flute Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 6
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Debussy: La Mer

    January 15, 1938
    Brahms: Tragic Overture
    Sibelius: Symphony No. 2
    Busoni: Rondo Arlecchinesco
    With Jan Peerce
    Tommasini: Carnival Of Venice

    January 22, 1938
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture
    Haydn: Symphony No. 98
    Brahms: Serenade No. 2
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude Act 1

    January 29. 1938
    Rossini: Scala Di Seta Overture
    Schumann: Symphony No. 3
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition

    February 5 1938
    Scarlatti-Tommasini: Good Humored Ladies Suite
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Rossini: Semiramide Overture

    February 6 , 1938 (Benefit Italian Welfare League)
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
    With Bovy, Thorborg, Peerce, Pinza,
    Schola Cantorum

    February 12. 1938
    Weber: Euryanthe Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 2
    Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
    Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice

    February 19. 1938
    Handel: Concerto Grosso Op.6 No. 12
    Haydn: Symphony No. 88
    Roussel: Spider's Feast
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Martucci: Danza (Tarantella)

    February 26. 1938
    Wagner: Flying Dutchman Overture
    Borodin: Symphony No. 2
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Smetana: Moldau

    March 4. 1938 (Shortwave Broadcast)
    Verdi: Requiem
    With Zinka Milanov, Bruna Castagna, Charles Kullman. Nicola
    Schola Cantorum

    March 5. 1938
    All Wagner
    A Faust Overture
    Lohengrin - Preludes To Acts I And III
    Tannhauser Overture
    Tristan Und Isolde: Prelude & Liebestod
    Parsifal: Prelude To Act I
    Rhine Journey
    Ride Of Valkyries

    Recording Sessions (Studio 8-H)
    March 7, 1938
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    March 8, 1938
    Haydn: Symphony No. 88
    Beethoven: Quartet No. 16 - Lento & Vivace
    Broadcasts Resumed

    October 15 1938
    Vaughan-Williams: Fantasia On A Theme Of Thomas Tallis
    Brahms: Symphony No . 3
    Martucci: Notturno & Noveletta
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet Overture

    October 22, 1938
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Strauss: Don Quixote
    With Feuermann, Carlton Cooley
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

    Oct 29 1938
    Bach: Brandenburug Concerto No. 2
    Haydn: Symphony No. 31 "Horn Call"
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6

    November 5 1938
    Graener: Flute Of San Souci
    Barber: Adagio & Essay For Orchestra
    Debussy: Iberia
    Dvorak: Symphony No. 9

    November 12. 1938
    Beethoven: Coriolan Overture
    Schubert: Symphony No. 2
    Wagner: Parsifal. Good Friday Spell
    Franck: Les Eolides
    Meyerbeer: Dinorah Overture
    With Chorus Of Metropolitan Opera

    November 19 1938
    Schumann: Manfred Overture
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No . 5
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude Act 3
    Berlioz: Romeo & Juliet - Love Music
    Rossini: William Tell - Passo A Sei & Dance Of The Soldiers

    November 26, 1938
    Smetana: Bartered Bride Overture
    Martucci: Symphony No. 1
    Liszt: Orpheus
    Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe No. 2

    December 3, 1938
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Siegfried's Funeral Music
    Wagner: Rienzi Overture

    Touring Dates

    December 13. 1938 (Newark. New Jersey, Not Broadcast)
    Weber: Oberon Overture
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    December 27. 1938 (Baltimore. Maryland, Not Broadcast)
    Weber: Oberon Overture
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Wagner: Die Meistersinger: Prelude To Act I

    January 7, 1939
    Mozart: Symphony No. 35
    Brahms: Variations On A Handel Theme (Orchestrated by Rubbra)
    Loeffler: Memories Of My Childhood
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1

    Tour Date

    January 10, 1939 (Boston. Not Broadcast)
    Scarlatti: Good Humored Ladies Suite
    Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe No. 2
    Brahms: Symphony No . 3
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Siegfried Funeral Music

    Jan 14 1939
    Bazzini: Saul Overture
    Dimitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 1
    Cesar Franck: Psyche - Slumber & Eros
    Richard Strauss: Salome's Dance

    Jan 21 1939
    Berlioz: Harold In Italy
    With Primrose
    Catalani: Wally - Prelude To Act IV
    Catalani: Lorelei - Dance
    Ravel: Bolero

    January 28, 1939
    Gluck: Iphigenia In Aulis Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 8
    DeFalla: El Amor Brujo
    With Burzio
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    January 31, 1939 (Chicago, Not Broadcast)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    February 1, 1939 (Pittsburgh, Not Broadcast)
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1

    February 4, 1939
    Mozart: Symphony No. 38 "Prague"
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Elgar: Enigma Variations

    Tour Date

    February 7, 1939 (Providence, Not Broadcast)
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1


    February 11, 1939
    All Brahms
    Symphony No. 4
    Liebeslieder Waltzes
    With Leinsdorf, Kahn - Voices Under Preston
    Academic Festival Overture

    February 18, 1939
    All Sibelius
    Symphony No. 2
    Swan Of Tuonela
    En Saga

    February 25, 1939
    All Wagner
    Flying Dutchman Overture
    Tannhauser - Prelude To Act 3
    Tannhauser - Overture & Bacchanale
    Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Rhine Journey
    Ride Of Valkyries

    Recording Sessions (Studio 8-H)

    February 27, 1938
    March 7, 1939
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40

    February 27, 1939
    March 1, 1939
    March 29, 1939
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

    March 1, 1939
    March 29, 1939
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    Tour Date
    March 14, 1939 (Washington, DC Not Broadcast)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome
    Wagner: Rhine Journey
    Wagner: Tannhauser Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7

    Recording Sessions (Studio 8-H)

    April 17, 1939
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo (Arr. Toscanini)
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 8

    Broadcasts Resumed

    October 14, 1939
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Haydn: Sinfonia Concertante,Op.84
    With Mischa Mischakoff, Frank Miller, Bloom, Polisi
    Bach-Respighi: Passacaglia & Fugue

    October 21, 1939
    Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
    Brahms: Double Concerto
    With Mischa Mischakoff, Frank Miller
    Strong: Die Nacht
    Wagner: Parsifal, Good Friday Spell
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1

    October 28, 1939
    All Beethoven
    Fidelio Overture
    Symphony No. 1
    Symphony No. 3

    November 4, 1939
    All Beethoven
    Symphony No. 2
    Symphony No. 4
    Leonore Overture No. 3

    November 11, 1939
    All Beethoven
    Coriolan Overture
    Symphony No. 6
    Symphony No. 5

    November 18, 1939
    All Beethoven
    Egmont Overture
    Symphony No. 7

    November 25,1939
    All Beethoven
    Leonore Overture No. 1
    Prometheus - Adagio & Allegretto
    Symphony No. 8
    Quartet No. 16 Lento & Vivace
    Leonore Overture No. 2

    December 2, 1939
    All Beethoven -
    Choral Fantasy
    With Dorfman, Westminster Choir
    Symphony No. 9
    With Novotna, Thorborg, Peerce, Moscona,
    Westminster Choir

    December 29, 1939 (Charity Concert For Chatham Square Music School)
    Special orchestra with Heifetz, Milstein, Busch,
    Primrose, Feuermann, Wallenstein And Others
    Mozart: A Musical Joke
    Gillet: Loin De Bal

    Tour Date

    February 21, 1940 (Newark, New Jersey - Not Broadcast)
    Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 2
    Rossini: William Tell - Two Dances
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
    Wagner: Parsifal - Prelude & Good Friday Spell
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo (Arr. Toscanini)

    Recording Session (Studio 8-H)
    March 11, 1940
    Beethoven: Violin Concerto
    With Heifetz

    March 16, 1940
    Schumann: Symphony No. 3 "Rhenish"
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks
    Roy Harris: Symphony No. 3
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo (Arr. Toscanini)
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    March 23, 1940
    Schubert: Symphony No. 2
    Wagner: Parsifal - Prelude To Act 1
    Good Friday Spell
    Introduction To Act 3
    Klingsor's Magic Garden

    March 30, 1940
    Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Taming Of The Shrew Overture
    Martucci: Symphony No. 2
    Verdi: Aida Overture
    Respighi: Roman Festivals

    April 6, 1940
    All Tchaikovsky
    Symphony No. 6 "Pathetique"
    Nutcracker Suite
    Romeo & Juliet Overture

    April 13, 1940
    All Debussy
    March Ecossaise
    Damoiselle Elue
    With Novotna
    Nuages & Fetes
    La Mer

    April 20, 1940
    Elgar: Introduction & Allegro
    Mozart: Symphony No. 41
    Dvorak: Scherzo Capriccioso
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition

    April 27, 1940
    Grieg: Holberg Suite
    Sibelius: Symphony No. 4
    Franck: Les Eolides
    Ravel: La Valse

    May 6, 1940
    All Brahms
    Serenade - Allegro Molto
    Piano Concerto No. 2
    With Horowitz
    Symphony No. 1

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    May 9. 1940
    Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2

    Broadcast (From Washington, D.C.)

    May 14, 1940
    Star Spangled Banner
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Barber: Adagio For Strings
    Fernandez: Reisado Do Pastorsio, Batuque
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Ravel: La Valse

    The South American Tour
    (Most Of These Were Probably Not Broadcast.)

    June 13, 1940 (Rio De Janeiro)
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Mignone: Congada
    Smetana: Moldau
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Wagner: Parsifal - Prelude And Good Friday Spell
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    June 14, 1940 (Rio De Janeiro)
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Ravel: La Valse
    Gomez: Il Guarany Overture

    June 15, 1940 (Sao Paulo)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
    Mignone: Congada
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Scherzo
    Strauss: Death & Transfiguration
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo (Arr. Toscanini)

    June 19, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Mozart: Magic Flute Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. L
    Franck: Les Eolides
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome
    Wagner: Parsifal, Good Friday Spell .
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    June 20, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Debussy: La Mer

    June 22, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
    Aquirre: Two Dances
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks

    June 23, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3
    Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Tannhauser Overture

    June 25, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9
    Debussy: Iberia
    Wagner: Lohengrin - Preludes To Act 1&3
    Strauss: Death & Transfiguration

    June 27, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Weber: Oberon Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 2
    Barber: Adagio For Strings
    Saint-Saens: Dance Macabre
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet Overture
    Ravel: La Valse

    June 29, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 6
    Vaughan-Williams: Symphony No. 7
    Smetana: Moldau
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Wagner: Ride Of The Valkyries

    July 1, 1940 (Buenos Aires)
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Nocturne& Scherzo
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    July 3, 1940 (Montevideo)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream, Nocturne & Scherzo
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Paganini: Moto Perpetuo
    Smetana: Moldau
    Debussy: La Mer

    July 4, 1940 (Montevideo)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 2
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome .
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    July 8. 1940 (Sao Paulo)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 2
    Fernandez: Batuque
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Rossini: William Tell - Two Dances
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Wagner: Tannhauser Overture
    Gomez: Il Guarany Overture

    July 9, 1940 (Rio De Janeiro)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1
    Fernandez: Batuque
    Respighi: Fountain Of Rome
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Debussy: La Mer

    July 10, 1940 (Rio De Janeiro, Part Of This Program Was Broadcast
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream, Nocturne & Scherzo
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1


    November 23, 1940
    Verdi: Te Deum
    Verdi: Requiem
    With Milanov, Castagna, Bjoerling, Moscona, Westminster Choir

    December 7, 1940
    All Sibelius
    Symphony No. 2
    Pohjola's Daughter
    Swan Of Tuonela
    Lemminkainen's Homecoming

    December 14, 1940
    Franck: Symphony In D Minor
    Vieuxtemps: Ballade and Polonaise
    Franchetti: Cristoforo Colombo: Nocturne (William Horne, tenor)
    Enesco: Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1

    December 21, 1940
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony
    Glinka: Kamarinskaya
    Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Tableaux 1 & 4
    Rubinstein:Valse Caprice

    December 28, 1940
    Beethoven: Missa Solemnis
    With Milanov, Castagna, Bjoerling, Kipnis, Westminster Choir

    February 1, 1941
    Mozart: Magic Flute Overture
    Haydn: Symphony No. 99
    Strauss: Ein Heldenleben

    February 8, 1941
    Gluck: Iphigenia In Aulis Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 3
    Liszt: Cradle To The Grave
    Kodaly: Marosszek Dances
    Martucci: Danza,Tarantella

    February 15, 1941
    L. Mozart: Toy Symphony
    Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante K.364
    With Mishakoff, Carlton Cooley
    Schubert: Gastein Symphony (Arr. By Joachim)
    J. Strauss: Voices Of Spring
    J. Strauss: Tritsch-Tratsch Polka

    February 22, 1941
    All Wagner
    Lohengrin - Prelude To Act 1
    Tristan - Prelude To Act 1
    Tannhauser - Dich, Teure Halle
    With Helen Traubel
    Walkure - Act1,Scene iii
    With Helen Traubel, Lauritz Melchior
    Gotterdammerung - Daybreak, Duet,& Rhine Journey
    With Traubel, Melchior
    Gotterdammerung - Siegfried's Funeral Music
    Gotterdammerung - Immolation Scene
    With Traubel

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    February 24, 1941
    Wagner: Gotterdammerung - Immolation Scene
    With Traubel
    Wagner: Gotterdammerung - Siegfried's Funeral Music
    Wagner: Lohengrin - Prelude To Act 1

    March 10, 1941
    Verdi: Traviata, Preludes To Acts 1 &3
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1

    March 17, 1941
    Wagner: Gotterdamerung. Dawn And Siegfried's Rhine Journey

    March 29, 1941
    Wagner: A Faust Overture
    Schumann: Symphony No. 2
    Martucci: Canzoni Dei Ricordi
    With Bruna Castagna
    Tommasini: Carnival Of Venice

    April 5, 1941
    Rossini: Signor Bruschino Overture
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 "Scotch"
    Berlioz: Le Francs Juges Overture
    Berlioz: Romeo & Juliet, Love Scene & Queen Mab Scherzo
    Berlioz: Rakoczy March

    April 12, 1941
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"
    Wagner: Parsifal, Prelude & Good Friday Spell
    Sinigaglia: Piedmont Suite, Over Fields And Woods & Rustic Dance
    Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Overture

    April 19, 1941
    All Tchaikovsky
    Voyoveda Overture
    Symphony No. 6 "Pathetique"
    Piano Concerto No. 1
    With Horowitz

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    May 6, 1941
    Strauss: Tritsch-Tratsch Polka (Arr. Toscanini)
    Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1
    With Horowitz
    (Also In Session Of May 14,1941)
    Wagner: Lohengrin, Prelude To Act 1
    (Also In Sessions Of February 24.1941)

    May 14. 1941
    Wagner: Dawn And Siegfried's Rhine Journey .
    Berlioz: Rakoczy March (Rejected)


    December 6, 1941
    Beethoven: Septet
    Wagner: Parsifal - Good Friday Spell
    Strauss: Blue Danube Waltz
    Star Spangled Banner

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    December 11,1941
    Strauss: Blue Danube Waltz


    December 13, 1941
    Barber: Adagio For Strings
    Smetana: Moldau
    Dvorak: Symphony No. 9

    January 24, 1942
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Overture
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8 "Unfinished"
    Barber: Essay For Orchestra
    Verdi: Vespri Siciliani Overture

    March 14, 1942
    Star Spangled Banner
    Thomas: Mignon Overture
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 "Italian"
    Copland: El Salon Mexico
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)
    March 19, 1942
    Barber: Adagio For Strings
    Strauss: Blue Danube Waltz
    Thomas: Mignon Overture
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Star Spangled Banner
    (Two Versions Recorded - One Released On LM- 7032)


    April 4, 1942
    Bach: Air From Orchestral Suite No. 3
    Haydn: Symphony No. 101
    Wagner: Parsifal - Prelude & Good Friday Spell
    Star Spangled Banner

    July 19, 1942
    Shostakovich: Symphony No. 7
    Star Spangled Banner

    November 1,1942
    Loeffler: Memories Of My Childhood
    Creston: Choric Dance No. 2
    Gould: Lincoln Legend
    Gershwin:Rhapsody In Blue
    With Benny Goodman, Earl Wild

    November 8, 1942
    Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino Overture
    Kabalevsky: Symphony No. 2
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 5 "Reformation"

    December 20, 1942
    All Brahms
    Haydn Variations
    Symphony No. 3

    December 27, 1942
    All Brahms
    Liebeslieder Waltzes
    With Luboschutz, Nemenoff,
    Voices Under Preston
    Serenade No. 2
    Hungarian Dance No. 1

    January 3, 1943
    All Brahms
    Tragic Overture
    Symphony No. 2

    January 10, 1943
    All Brahms
    Symphony No. 4
    Academic Festival Overture
    Hungarian Dance No. 1

    January 17, 1943
    All Brahms
    Serenade No. 1 - Allegro Molto
    Symphony No. 1

    January 24, 1943
    Brahms: A German Requiem
    With Della Chiesa, Janssen, Westminster Choir

    January 31, 1943
    All Verdi
    La Forza Del Destino Overture
    Nabucco - Va Pensiero
    With Westminster Choir, Williamson
    I Lombardi - Trio
    With Della Chiesa, Peerce, Moscona
    Traviata - Prelude To Act 3
    Otello - Dances
    Hymn Of The Nations
    With Peerce, Westminster Choir, Williamson

    February 7, 1943
    Gilbert: Comedy Overture On Negro Themes
    Kennan: Night Soliloquy
    Griffes: White Peacock
    Grofe: Grand Canyon Suite

    March 24. 1943 (possibly spurious broadcast???)
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1 (Not Broadcast)
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 (Not Broadcast)
    Wagner: Lohengrin, Preludes To Acts 1 & 3
    Wagner: Tristan, Prelude & Liebestod
    Wagner: Meistersinger. Prelude To Act 1

    April 4. 1943
    Herold: Zampa Overture
    Rossini: William Tell - Passo A Sei
    Boccherini: Minuet In A
    Hofstetter (formerly attributed to Haydn): Serenade
    Cherubini: Scherzo
    Mussorgsky: Boris Godounov, Introduction To Act 3 & Polonaise
    Ponchielli: Dance Of The Hours
    Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
    Sousa: Stars & Stripes Forever

    April 11, 1943
    Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 3 - Air (Not Broadcast)
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1
    Debussy: La Mer

    April 25, 1943 (Concert For Purchasers Of War Bond)
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 (Not Broadcast)
    Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite
    Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1
    With Horowitz
    Star Spangled Banner

    June 20, 1943
    Donizetti: Don Pasquale Overture
    Haydn: Symphony No. 94
    Handel: Minuet From Concerto Grosso No. 5
    Bolzoni: Minuet In B
    Debussy: Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
    Dukas: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

    July 18, 1943
    Suppe: Poet & Peasant Overture
    Massenet: Scenes Alsaciennes
    Bolzoni: Medieval Castle
    Strauss: Voices Of Spring
    Nicolai: The Merry Wives Of Windsor Overture

    July 25, 1943
    All Verdi
    Luisa Miller - Overture
    Luisa Miller - Quando Le Sere al Placido
    With Peerce
    Don Carlos - O Don Fatale
    With Merriman
    Masked Ball - Eri Tu
    With Valentino
    La Forza Del Destino - Pace, Pace, Mio Dio
    With Ribla
    Rigoletto - Act 3
    With Ribla, Merriman, Peerce, Valentino

    September 9, 1943
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 [First Movement Only]
    Rossini: William Tell Overture
    Garibaldi War Hymn
    Star Spangled Banner

    September 19, 1943
    All Bizet
    Fair Maid Of Perth Suite
    L'Arlesienne Suite
    Carmen Suite

    October 31, 1943
    Mozart: Magic Flute Overture
    Haydn: Symphony No. 104
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 8

    November 7, 1943
    Degeyter (Arr. Toscanini): L'internationale
    Liadov: Kikimora
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa
    Kalinninov: Symphony No. 1

    November 14, 1943
    Cimarosa: Matrimonio Segreto Overture
    Debussy: Iberia
    Mignone: Fantasia Brasiliera
    Bernardo Segall, piano
    Gershwin: An American In Paris

    November 21, 1943
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Atterberg: Symphony No. 6
    Ravel: La Valse

    November 28, 1943
    All Wagner
    Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 3
    Tannhauser - Overture & Bacchanale
    Tristan - Prelude & Liebestod
    Die Walkure - Ride Of The Valkyries

    December 5, 1943
    All Mozart
    Nozze Di Figaro Overture
    Piano Concerto No. 27
    With Horszowski
    Symphony No. 35 "Haffner"

    Recording Session (Studio 8-H)

    December 8,1943

    December 20,1943 - Office Of War Information Film
    Verdi: Hymn Of Nations
    With Peerce, Westminster Choir, Williamson
    Verdi: La Forza Del Destino Overture

    March 5, 1944
    All Beethoven
    Prometheus - Overture
    Prometheus - Adagio & Allegretto
    Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"

    March 12, 1944
    Mussorgsky: Prelude To Khovanshchina
    Tchaikovsky: Tempest Overture
    Shostakovich: Symphony No. 1

    March 19, 1944
    Weber: Oberon Overture
    Haydn: Symphony No. 92
    Respighi: Pines Of Rome

    March 26, 1944
    Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Taming Of The Shrew Overture
    Schubert: Symphony No. 2
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Smetana: The Moldau (? not broadcast, according to Canniel)

    April 2, 1944
    Mignone: Four Brazilian Churches
    Gershwin: Piano Concerto In F
    With Levant

    April 9, 1944
    Wagner: Parsifal - Prelude & Good Friday Spell
    Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto
    With Heifetz

    April 18, 1944
    Star Spangled Banner (Not Broadcast)
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1 (Not Broadcast)
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

    May 25, 1944 (Broadcast From Madison Square Garden)
    NBC Symphony And The New York Philharmonic Orchestras.
    Wagner: Tannhauser Overture
    Wagner: Siegfried's Rhine Journey
    Wagner: Tristan: Prelude & Liebestod
    Wagner: Ride Of The Valkyries
    Verdi: Rigoletto: Act 3
    With Zinka Milanov, Nan Merriman, Jan Peerce, Leonard Warren, Nicola
    All City High School Chorus, Wilhousky
    Verdi: Hymn Of The Nations
    With Peerce, All City High School Chorus, Wilhousky
    Sousa: Stars And Stripes Forever

    June 25, 1944
    Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
    Mancinelli: Venetian Scenes
    Waldteufel: Skaters Waltz
    Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite
    Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Overture

    July 2, 1944
    Haydn: Symphony No. 99
    Franck: Les Eolides
    Puccini: Manon Lescaut: Act II Minuet, Act III Intermezzo
    Brahms: Hungarian Dances Nos. 17, 20 & 21

    Aug. 27, 1944
    Herold: Zampa Overture
    Boccherini: Minuet In A
    Haydn: Serenade From Quartet In F. Op.3. No. 5
    Sibelius: Swan Of Tuonela
    Wagner: Siegfried, Forest Murmurs
    Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin, Waltz
    Sousa: Semper Fidelis
    Sousa: El Capitan

    September 3, 1944
    Bossi: Intermezzi Goldoniani
    Mozart: Symphony No. 29
    DeFalla: El Amor Brujo, Fire Dance And Dance Of Terror
    Goldmark: Rustic Wedding Suite: In The Garden & Serenade
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa

    October 22, 1944
    All Beethoven .
    Symphony No. 1
    Symphony No. 8

    October 29, 1944
    All Beethoven
    Leonore Overture No. 1
    Prometheus - Adagio & Allegretto
    Piano Concerto No. 3
    Artur Rubinstein, piano

    October 31, 1944 New York City (Not Broadcast)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Verdi: Nabucco - Va Pensiero
    Verdi: Rigoletto - Quartet
    Gertrude Ribla, Nan Merriman, Jan Peerce, Frank Valentino
    Verdi: Vespri Siciliani Overture
    Verdi: Traviata: Prelude To Act 3
    Verdi: Ballo In Maschera: Eri Tu
    Frank Valentino
    Ponchielli: Dance Of The Hours


    November 5, 1944
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3

    November 12, 1944
    All Beethoven
    Egmont Overture
    Quartet No. 16: Lento & Vivace
    Piano Concerto No. 1
    Ania Dorfmann, piano

    November 19, 1944
    All Beethoven
    Symphony No. 7
    Leonore Overture No. 2

    November 26, 1944
    All Beethoven
    Coriolan Overture
    Quartet No. 13, Op.130: Cavatina
    Quartet No. 9, Op.59: Fugue
    Piano Concerto No. 4
    With Serkin

    December 3, 1944
    All Beethoven
    Septet: 1st, 4th ,6th Movements
    Symphony No. 2

    December 10, 1944
    Beethoven: Fidelio, Act 1
    With Bampton, Steber, Peerce, Janssen, Moscona

    December 17, 1944
    Beethoven: Fidelio, Act 2
    With Bampton, Steber, Peerce, Janssen, Moscona

    Recording Sessions (Studio 8-H)

    December 18, 1944
    Beethoven: Prometheus Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 (Not Released)

    December 19, 1944
    Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3 (Not Released)


    January 21, 1945
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony

    January 28, 1945
    All Dvorak
    Scherzo Capriccioso
    Cello Concerto
    With Kurtz

    February 4, 1945
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture
    Mozart: Symphony No. 41
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    February 11, 1945
    All Debussy
    Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
    La Mer

    February 19, 1945 (Carnegie Hall , Not Broadcast)
    Benefit Concert
    Weber: Der Freischutz Overture
    Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2
    With Horowitz
    Ravel: La Valse
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition

    March 18, 1945
    Schumann: Symphony No. 3 "Rhenish"
    Mendelssohn: Octet - Scherzo
    Gershwin: An American In Paris

    March 25, 1945
    Haydn: Symphony No. 98
    Kabalevsky: Symphony No. 2

    April 1, 1945
    Gluck: Orfeo - Act 2
    With Merriman, Philips
    Bach: St. Matthew Passion - Final Chorus
    With NBC Mixed Chorus , Peter Wilhousky

    May.8, 1945 (Special V-E Day Broadcast)
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

    Recording Sessions (Studio 8-H)

    May.18, 1945
    Gershwin: An American In Paris
    Sousa (Arr. Toscanini): Stars & Stripes Forever
    Sousa: El Capitan

    Haydn: Symphony No. 98
    Weber: Freischutz - Overture

    June 1, 1945
    Beethoven: Coriolan Overture
    Mendelssohn: Octet - Scherzo
    Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    June 8, 1945
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Rossini: Cenerentola 0verture
    Rossini: William Tell' Passo A Sei
    Rossini: Signor Bruschino Overture
    Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Overture

    June 14, 1945
    Rossini: Siege Of Corinth Overture

    June 22, 1945
    Mozart: Symphony No. 41

    June 28, 1945
    Verdi: Forza Overture
    Waldteufel: Skaters Waltz
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Rossini: Cenerentola 0verture
    Rossini: William Tell' Passo A Sei
    Rossini: Signor Bruschino Overture
    Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Overture

    July 19, 1945
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 (Not Released)

    Aug. 9, 1945
    Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1
    With Dorfmann

    Broadcasts Resumed

    September 1, 1945
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 (Special V-J Day Broadcast)
    ? Star Spangled Banner (attributed to 9/2 in most lists, but Canniel
    says 9/1)

    September 2, 1945
    Star Spangled Banner
    Foroni: Overture In C Minor
    Grofe: Grand Canyon Suite
    Berlioz: Rakoczy March

    SS Banner was played according to Library of Congress Record:
    Shelf no. RGA 1443 [A]
    Title NBC Symphony
    Date Broadcast : 09/02/1945
    Time 5:00 p.m.
    Medium Radio broadcast
    Broadcast Series Yes Source NBC
    Performer(s) Arturo Toscanini, conductor.
    Recording Note Duplicated from an NBC radio program broadcast of Sept.
    2, 1945; 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
    Summary NBC Symphony performs The Star spangled banner, and works by
    Ferroni, Berlioz, and Grofe.
    Genre(s) Western art music
    Name(s) Ferroni, Vincenzo Emidio Carmine, 1858-1934. (composer)
    Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. (composer)
    Grofe, Ferde, 1892-1972. (composer)
    Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957. (conductor)
    Group(s) NBC Symphony Orchestra
    Physical Item RGA 1443 [A]. 1 digital sound cassette, mono, digital
    (polyester). Recording Laboratory 1993. Duration: 006000.
    Collection/Donor name: NBC Radio Collection.

    September 9, 1945
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture
    Smetana: Moldau
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 5

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    September 11, 1945
    Grofe: Grand Canyon Suite

    September 25, 1945 Benefit Concert (Carnegie Hall , Not Broadcast)
    All Beethoven
    Egmont Overture
    Leonore Overture No. 2
    Symphony No. 9
    With Andreotti, Merriman, Peerce, Alvary,
    Collegiate Chorale, Robert Shaw

    Broadcasts Resumed

    October 28, 1945
    All Brahms
    Tragic Overture
    Symphony No. 4

    November 4, 1945
    Mendelssohn: Fingal's Cave Overture
    Berlioz: Romeo & Juliet: Romeo Alone, Fete, Love Scene, Queen Mab
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa

    November 11, 1945
    Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino Overture
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9

    November 18, 1945
    Vaughan-Williams: Fantasia On A Theme Of Thomas Tallis
    Wolf-Ferrari: Le Donne Curiose Overture
    Elgar: Enigma Variations

    November 25, 1945
    Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Fairy Tale Overture
    Rieti: Sinfonia Tripartita
    Creston: Frontiers
    Siegmeister: Western Suite

    December 2, 1945
    Bellini: Norma - Introduction And Druids' Chorus
    With Moscona , Westminster Choir
    Verdi: Te Deum
    Boito: Mefistofele - Prologue
    With Moscona

    This concert was actually conducted by Mitropoulos:
    December 9, 1945
    Mozart: Magic Flute - Overture
    Vaughan-Williams: Symphony No. 2

    January 6, 1946
    All Wagner
    Tannhauser - Prelude To Act 3
    Siegfried Idyll
    Siegfried's Rhine Journey
    Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    January 13, 1946
    Humperdinck: Hansel & Gretel Overture
    Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
    Liadov: Kikimora
    Mancinelli: Fuga Degli Amanti
    Enesco: Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1
    Strauss: Voices Of Spring

    January 20, 1946
    Wolf-Ferrari: Secret Of Suzanne Overture
    Busoni: Rondo Arlecchinesco
    With Andrew McKinley, tenor
    Martucci: Piano Concerto No. 1 in b-flat minor
    With Glauco D'Attili

    January 27, 1946
    Mozart: Don Giovanni Overture
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    Verdi: Quartet In E Minor - Prestissimo, Scherzo-Fuga
    Verdi: Otello: Dances
    Verdi: Forza Del Destino Overture

    February 3 and 10, 1946

    Puccini: La Boheme
    With Albanese, Mcknight, Peerce,Valentino, Moscona, Cehanovsky

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)
    March 11, 1946
    All Wagner
    Siegfried Idyll
    Ride Of Valkyries
    Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1


    March 17, 1946
    Schumann: Symphony No. 2
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks

    March 24, 1946
    Scarlatti-Tommasini: Good Humored Ladies Suite
    Franck: Symphony In D Minor

    March 31, 1946
    Wagner: Flying Dutchman Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 3

    April 7, 1946
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Roussel: Spider's Feast
    Roger-Ducasse: Sarabande
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    April 8, 1946
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet
    Bach: Orchestral Suite - Air
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture

    October 27, 1946
    Wagner: A Faust Overture
    Berlioz: Harold In Italy
    With Primrose

    November 3, 1946
    All Mozart
    Magic Flute Overture
    Divertimento In B Flat, K.287
    Symphony No. 35
    Recording Sessions (Studio 3a)

    November 4,1946

    November 6,1946
    Mozart: Symphony No. 35
    Gluck: Orfeo - Dance Of The Spirits
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Scherzo
    Haydn: Symphony No. 101 (Portions Recorded In Other Sessions.)

    November 10, 1946
    Schumann: Manfred Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony

    Recording Session

    November 11, 1946
    Schumann: Manfred Overture
    Wagner: A Faust Overture

    Broadcasts Resumed

    November 17, 1946
    Smetana: Bartered Bride Overture
    Humperdinck: Die Konigskinder: Prelude To Act 3
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Strauss: Death And Transfiguration

    November 24, 1946
    Beethoven: Coriolan Overture
    Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3
    With Dame Myra Hess
    Wagner: Siegfried's Rhine Journey

    December 1, 1946

    December 8, 1946
    Verdi: La Traviata
    With Albanese Peerce Merrill

    The NBC Symphony Orchestra (1947)

    February 9, 1947
    Berlioz: Romeo And Juliet
    With Swarthout, Garris, Moscona

    February 16, 1947
    Berlioz: Romeo And Juliet (Completion)
    Berlioz: Damnation Of Faust - Scene 7
    With Harrell
    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    February 17, 1947
    Berlioz: Romeo And Juliet - Romeo Alone, Fete, Love Scene

    February 23, 1947
    Sinigaglia: La Baruffe Chiozotte Overture
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    February 25, 1947
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9


    March 2, 1947
    Franck: Redemption
    Dukas: Ariane Et Barbe-Bleu
    Debussy: La Mer

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)
    March 4, 1947
    Debussy: La Mer (Not Released)

    March 9, 1947
    All Brahms
    Tragic Overture
    Serenade No. 1 - Minuet 1 & 2
    Symphony No. 2

    March 16, 1947
    All Beethoven
    Consecration Of The House Overture
    Prometheus - Adagio & Allegretto
    Symphony No. 6

    March 23, 1947
    Cherubini: Symphony In D
    Catalani: La Wally - Prelude To Act 4
    Catalani: Loreley - Dance Of The Nymphs
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome

    March 30, 1947
    All Mendelssohn
    Octet For Strings
    Symphony No. 5

    April 6, 1947
    All Wagner
    Parsifal: Prelude & Good Friday Spell
    Walkure: Act 1 Scene 3
    With Bampton, Svanholm
    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    May 12, 1947
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude
    Berlioz: Romeo & Juliet - Queen Mab Scherzo (Both Not Released)
    Recording Session (Studio 3a)

    June 12, 1947
    Haydn: Symphony No. 101 (1st Movement, Others Recorded In 1946)
    Berlioz: Romeo & Juliet: Queen Mab Scherzo (Not Released)
    Tour Date

    September 6, 1947 (Ridgefield High School In Connecticut, Not
    Rossini: L'Italiana In Algiers
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Nocturne & Scherzo
    Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
    Strauss: Voices Of Spring & Tritsch-Tratsch Polka
    Sousa: Stars And Stripes Forever
    Broadcasts Resumed

    September 21, 1947
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1
    Smetana: Moldau
    Gillis: Symphony No. 5 1/2

    October 25, 1947
    All Beethoven
    Consecration Of The House Overture
    Quartet No. 16 - Lento & Vivace
    Symphony No. 7

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    October 27, 1947
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 (Not Released)


    November 1, 1947
    All Mendelssohn
    Fair Melusine Overture
    Quintet: Adagio & Lento
    A Midsummer Night's Dream - Overture, Intermezzo, Nocturne,
    Scherzo, You Spotted Snakes, Wedding March, Finale
    With Phillips, Warner - Chorus Under Wilhousky

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    November 4, 1947
    Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream. Excerpts (Above)
    With Phillips, Warner - Chorus Under Wilhousky
    Note: "You Spotted Snakes" Was Rejected

    November 8, 1947
    All Mozart
    Marriage Of Figaro Overture
    Bassoon Concerto, K.191
    With Leonard Sharrow
    Divertimento In B Flat, K.287
    Magic Flute - Overture

    November 15, 1947
    Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6

    Recording Session (Studio 8-H)
    Mozart: Divertimento No. 15 K.287
    Mozart: Bassoon Concerto K.191
    With Sharrow

    November 22, 1947
    Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 3
    Vivaldi: Violin Concerto In B Flat
    With Mischa Mischakoff
    Handel: Concerto Grosso In B Minor, Op.6, No. 12
    Bach-Respighi: Passacaglia In C Minor

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 24, 1947
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6


    November 29, 1947
    Wolf-Ferrari: Le Donne Curiose Overture
    Kodaly: Hary Janos Suite
    Debussy: La Mer

    Recording Session (Studio 8-H) December 2, 1947
    Debussy: La Mer (Not Released)


    December 6, 1947, December 13. 1947
    Verdi: Otello
    With Herva Nelli, Nan Merriman, Ramon Vinay, Giuseppe Valdengo

    Recording Session (Studio 8-H)

    December 16, 1947
    Beethoven: Consecration Of The House Overture
    Berlioz: Faust: Dance Of The Sylphs (Not Released)

    The NBC Symphony Orchestra (1948)

    February 14, 1948
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Berlioz: Romeo & Juliet: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition

    February 21, 1948
    All Brahms
    Haydn Variations
    Symphony No. 3

    February 28, 1948
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony

    March 6, 1948
    Haydn: Sinfonia Concertante Op.84
    Mozart: Symphony No. 39
    Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3

    March 13, 1948
    Donizetti: Don Pasquale Overture
    Mancinelli: Flight Of The Lovers
    Busoni: Berceuse Elegiaque
    Martucci: Noveletta
    Verdi: Otello - Dances
    Tommasini: Carnival Of Venice
    Rossini: Semiramide Overture

    March 20, 1948
    All Wagner
    Lohengrin - Prelude To Act 3
    Tannhauser - Overture & Bacchanale
    Forest Murmurs
    Siegfried's Rhine Journey
    Walkure - Ride Of The Valkyries

    March 27, 1948
    All Debussy
    Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
    La Mer

    April 3, 1948 (Telecast)
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
    With Mcknight. Hobson, Dillon, Scott

    April 26, 1948 (Benefit Concert Given At Carnegie Hall. Not Broadcast)
    All Verdi
    Te Deum
    Herva Nelli, Nan Merriman, William Mcgrath, Norman Scott
    Collegiate Chorale, Robert Shaw, director

    October 23, 1948
    All Brahms
    Serenade No. 1 - Allegro Molto
    Piano Concerto No. 2
    With Horowitz

    October 30, 1948
    All Brahms
    Tragic Overture
    Symphony No. 1

    November 6, 1948
    All Brahms
    Academic Festival Overture
    Serenade No. 1: Minuets 1 & 2
    Symphony No. 2

    November 13, 1948
    All Brahms
    Double Concerto
    With Mischa Mischakoff, Frank Miller
    Liebeslieder Waltzes
    With Kahn, Balsam
    Hungarian Dance No. 1

    November 20, 1948
    All Brahms
    Haydn Variations
    Symphony No. 3

    November 27, 1948
    All Brahms
    Gezang Der Parzen
    Chorus Under Shaw
    Symphony No. 4

    December 4, 1948
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    Dvorak: Symphonic Variations
    Wagner: Tannhauser Overture

    December 11, 1948
    Mendelssohn: The Fair Melusine Overture
    Liadov: Kikimora
    Strauss: Don Quixote
    with Frank Miller, Carlton Cooley

    February 12, 1949
    All Berlioz
    Roman Carnival Overture
    Queen Mab Scherzo
    Harold In Italy
    with Carlton Cooley

    February 19, 1949
    All Beethoven
    Coriolan Overture
    Symphony No. 3

    February 26, 1949
    Kabalevsky: Symphony No. 2
    Sibelius: En Saga
    Wagner: Siegfried's Rhine Journey

    March 5, 1949
    Rossini: Scala Di Seta Overture
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Franck: Les Eolides
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks

    March 12, 1949
    Haydn: Symphony No. 99
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4

    March 19, 1949
    All Beethoven
    Consecration Of The House Overture
    Prometheus - Adagio & Allegretto
    Symphony No. 6

    March 26,1949, April 2, 1949
    Verdi: Aida
    With Nelli, Gustafson, Tucker, Valdengo, Scott
    Note: Portions Redone For The Record Release
    On June 3rd And 5th, 1954

    April 20, 1949 (Benefit Concert Given At Carnegie Hall. Not Broadcast)
    Beethoven: Prometheus Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 (on CD)
    Wagner: Tannhauser - Overture & Bacchanale
    Wagner: Walkure - Act 1. Scene 3 (on CD)
    With Bampton, Svanholm
    Wagner: Ride Of The Valkyries

    Tour Date

    October 7, 1949 (Ridgefield, Connecticut Not Broadcast)
    Thomas: Mignon Overture
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4
    Debussy: Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Waldteufel: Skaters' Waltz
    Broadcasts Resumed

    October 29, 1949
    Berlioz: Romeo And Juliet:
    Romeo Alone, Feast, Queen Mab Scherzo
    Debussy: La Mer

    November 5, 1949
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 2
    Elgar: Enigma Variations

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 7, 1949
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 2
    (Other Sessions On October 5. 1951.)


    November 12, 1949
    Cimarosa:Il Matrimonio Per Raggiro Overture
    Schumann: Symphony No. 3
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet

    November 19, 1949
    Boccherini: Quartet In D
    Haydn: Symphony No. 98
    Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe Suite No. 2

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 21, 1949
    Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe Suite No. 2

    November 26, 1949
    Mozart: Magic Flute Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 28, 1949
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3


    December 3, 1949
    Cherubini: Ali Baba Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) December 5, 1949
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony


    December 10, 1949
    Giordano: Siberia - Prelude To Act 2
    Giordano: Il Re - Dance Of The Moor
    Puccini: Manon Lescaut - Prelude To Act 3
    Busoni: Berceuse Elegiaque
    Busoni: Rondo Arlecchinesco
    Respighi: Feste Romane

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) December 12, 1949
    Respighi: Feste Romane

    Broadcast December 17, 1949
    All Wagner
    Parsifal - Prelude & Good Friday Spell
    Siegfried's Rhine Journey
    Siegfried's Death & Funeral Music
    Ride Of The Valkyries

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) December 22, 1949
    All Wagner
    Siegfried's Rhine Journey
    Parsifal - Prelude & Good Friday Spell


    February 18, 1950
    All Cherubini
    Medea Overture
    Requiem In C

    February 25, 1950
    All Brahms
    Haydn Variations
    Symphony No. 4

    March 4, 1950
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6

    March 11, 1950
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Smetana: Moldau

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)
    March 12, 1950
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    March 13, 1950
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8

    March 18, 1950
    Dvorak: Symphony No. 9
    Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1

    Recording Session (Studio 8-H) March 19, 1950
    Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice
    *Smetana: Moldau

    Broadcasts Resumed

    March 25, 1950
    Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Debussy: Iberia
    Strauss: Don Juan

    April 1, 1950 & April 8, 1950
    Verdi: Falstaff
    With Nelli, Stich-Randall, Merriman, Elmo, Valdengo,
    Guarrera, Scott - Shaw Chorale

    The United States Tour (No Broadcasts)

    April 14, 1950 (New York)
    Rossini: L'Italiana In Algeri
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Debussy: La Mer

    April 17, 1950 (Lyric Theatre, Baltimore, Maryland)
    Rossini: L'Italiana In Algeri
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Debussy: La Mer

    April 19, 1950 (The Mosque, Richmond, Virginia)
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Scherzo
    Ravel: Daphnis And Chloe Suite No. 2
    Encore: Dixie

    April 22. 1950 (Auditorium, Atlanta, Georgia)
    Rossin1: La Scala Di Seta Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1 (Haydn Variations?)
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice
    Encore: Dixie (Played Twice)

    April 25, 1950 (Municipal Auditorium, New Orleans, Louisiana)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4
    Debussy: Iberia
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    April 27, 1950 (City Auditorium, Houston, Texas)
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Smetana: Moldau
    Wagner: Parsifal, Good Friday Spell
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo And Juliet

    April 29, 1950 (Gregory Auditorium, Austin, Texas)
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1
    Dvorak: Symphony No. 9
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    May 1, 1950 (State Fair Auditorium, Dallas, Texas)
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Scherzo
    Ravel: Daphnis And Chloe Suite No. 2

    May 3, 1950 (The Auditorium, Pasadena, California)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4
    Debussy: Iberia
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1
    Encore: Stars And Stripes Forever

    May 5, 1950 (The Auditorium, Pasadena, California)
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Smetana: Moldau
    Wagner: Parsifal, Good Friday Spell
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo And Juliet Overture

    May 7, 1950 (War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco, Califorinia)
    Rossini: L'Italiana In Algeri Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Debussy: La Mer
    Encore: Wagner: Forest Murmurs

    May 9, 1950 (The Auditorium, Portland, Oregon)
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Scherzo
    Ravel: Daphnis And Chloe Suite No. 2
    Encore: Wagner: ' Forest Murmurs

    May 10, 1950 (Civic Auditorium, Seattle, Washington)
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Smetana: Moldau
    Wagner: Parsifal, Good Friday Spell
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo And Juliet Overture
    Encore: Kabalevsky. Colas Breugnon Overture

    May 13, 1950 (City Auditorium, Denver, Colorado)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4 (No. 2?)
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Rossini: William Tell Overture
    Encore: Wagner: Meistersinger, Prelude To Act 1

    May 15, 1950 (Fox Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri)
    Rossini: La Scala Di Seta Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Debussy: La Mer

    May 17. 1950 (Civic Opera House, Chicago, Illinois)
    Rossini: L'Italiana In Algeri Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Debussy: La Mer

    May 19, 1950 (Masonic Auditorium, Detroit, Michigan)
    Rossini: Cenerentola Overture
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 3
    Smetana: Moldau
    Wagner: Parsifal, Good Friday Spell
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo And Juliet Overture

    May 21, 1950 (Masonic Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio)
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    May 23, 1950 (Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream - Scherzo
    Ravel: Daphnis And Chloe Suite No. 2

    May 25, 1950 (Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C.)
    Rossini: La Scala Di Seta Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4 (No. 1 Was Originally Listed)
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre
    Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice
    Note: In "The Toscanini Repertory" By C. Marsh, The Program For
    This Concert Consisted Of The Following:
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4
    Debussy: Iberia
    Smetana: Moldau
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    May 27, 1950 (Academy Of Music, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
    Rossini: La Scala Di Seta Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8
    Debussy: La Mer
    Encores: Stars And Stripes Forever
    Encores: Dixie
    Note: The Original Program For This Last Concert Consisted Of
    The Following: Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4
    Debussy: Iberia
    Glinka: Jota Aragonesa
    Wagner: Forest Murmurs
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    Recording Sessions (Studio 8-H)

    June 1, 1950
    Debussy: La Mer
    Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre

    June 2, 1950
    Debussy: Iberia
    Schubert: Symphony No. 8 (1st Movement Only)

    The NBC Symphony Orchestra (1951)
    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    January 10, 1951
    Strauss: Don Juan

    Broadcasts (All Broadcasts Were Moved To Carnegie Hall)

    January 27, 1951
    All Verdi
    Te Deum
    Requiem (Nelli, Barbieri, DiStefano Siepi)

    February 3, 1951
    All Beethoven
    Prometheus Overture
    Symphony No. 4
    Leonore Overture No. 3

    February 10, 1951
    Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream - Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 2

    February 17, 1951
    Debussy: Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome
    Elgar: Enigma Variations

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    September 28, 1951
    Rossini: Semiramide Overture
    *Weber: Invitation To The Dance

    October 5.1951
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 2
    (Also In Sessions Of November 7,1949)
    Donizetti: Don Pasquale Overture

    October 15, 1951
    *Prokofiev: Classical Symphony

    October 22, 1951
    Wagner: Lohengrin, Prelude To Act 1 & 3

    October 29, 1951
    Wagner: Siegfried, Forest Murmurs
    Weber: Euryanthe Overture

    Broadcast / Telecast November 3, 1951
    Weber: Euryanthe Overture
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)
    November 6, 1951
    Brahms: Symphony No. 1
    November 9, 1951
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7

    November 10, 1951
    Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
    Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 7

    November 17, 1951
    Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite
    Dvorak: Symphonic Variations
    Rossini: Semiramide Overture

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 19, 1951
    Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite


    November 24, 1951
    Beethoven: Septet
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 3
    Wagner: Siegfried's Rhine Journey

    =================================== ==========
    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    November 26, 1951
    Beethoven: Septet
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To 3
    December 3, 1951
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4
    December 10, 1951
    Elgar: Enigma Variations
    December 17, 1951
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome
    December 21, 1951
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1
    =================================== ============


    December 22, 1951
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture (Not Broadcast) '
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 (Not Broadcast)
    Respighi: Fountains Of Rome
    Brahms: Symphony No. 4

    Broadcast / Telecast

    December 29, 1951
    All Wagner
    Lohengrin - Prelude To Act 1
    Forest Murmurs
    Tristan - Prelude And Liebestod
    Siegfried's Death And Funeral Music
    Ride Of The Valkyries

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    January 3, 1952
    Wagner: Siegfried's Death & Funeral Music
    Wagner: Ride Of The Valkyries
    Weber: Der Freischutz Overture

    January 5, 1952
    Weber: Der Freischutz Overture
    Franck: Psyche & Eros
    Rossini: William Tell - Dance: Passo A Sei
    Elgar: Enigma Variations

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) January 7, 1952
    Franck: Psyche & Eros
    Wagner: Tristan - Prelude And Liebestod


    January 12, 1952
    All Beethoven
    Leonore Overture No. 2
    Symphony No. 6

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)
    January 14, 1952
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 6
    February 4. 1952
    Brahms: Haydn Variations
    February 11, 1952
    Brahms: Symphony No. 2

    March 8, 1952
    Kabalevsky: Colas Breugnon Overture
    Cherubini: Symphony In D
    Strauss: Death And Transfiguration

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) March 10, 1952
    Strauss: Death And Transfiguration
    Cherubini: Symphony In D

    Broadcasts / Telecasts
    March 15, 1952
    Franck: Redemption
    Sibelius: En Saga
    Debussy: Nuages & Fetes
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    March 22, 1952
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 5
    Respighi: Pines Of Rome

    March 29, 1952
    All Beethoven
    Symphony No. 1 ( Not Broadcast)
    Symphony No. 9
    With Farrell, Merriman, Peerce, Scott

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall) March 31,1952, April 1, 1952
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
    With Farrell, Merriman, Peerce, Scott


    July 26, 1952
    Thomas: Mignon Overture
    Liadov: Kikimora
    Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
    Ponchielli: Dance Of The Hours
    Sibelius: Finlandia

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)
    July 29, 1952
    Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
    Liadov: Kikimora
    Ponchielli: Dance Of The Hours
    Thomas: Mignon Overture


    Aug. 2, 1952
    Herold: Zampa Overture
    Catalani: La Wally - Prelude To Act 4
    Catalani: Lorelei - Dance Of The Water Nymphs
    Bizet: Carmen Suite
    Humperdinck: Hansel & Gretel Overture
    Weber: Oberon Overture

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) Aug. 5, 1952
    Bizet: Carmen Suite
    Catalani: La Wally & Lorelei
    Catalani: Lorelei (Only)
    Herold: Zampa Overture
    Sibelius: Finlandia
    Weber: Oberon Overture


    November 1, 1952
    Brahms: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 4. 1952
    Brahms: Symphony No. 3
    Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks

    Broadcast November 8. 1952
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 8
    Wagner: Tannhauser - Overture & Bacchanale
    Verdi: La Forza Del Destino Overture

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall) November 10, 1952
    Beethoven: Symphony No. 8
    Verdi: La Forza Del Destino Overture


    November 15, 1952
    Rossini: Sonata For Strings No. 3
    Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3

    November 22, 1952
    All Gluck
    Iphigenia In Aulis Overture
    Orfeo - Act 2
    With Merriman, Gibson, Shaw Chorale

    January 10, 1953
    Berlioz: Roman Carnival Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony

    January 17, 1953
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Martucci: Piano Concerto No. 1
    With Horszowski
    Rossini: William Tell Overture

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    January 19, 1953
    Beethoven: Egmont Overture
    Berlioz: Roman Carnival Overture
    Rossini: William Tell Overture


    January 24, 1953
    Haydn: Symphony No. 94
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition

    Recording Session
    January 26, 1953
    Haydn: Symphony No. 94
    Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition


    January 31, 1953
    Schumann: Manfred Overture
    Rossini: William Tell - Passo A Sei
    Dvorak: Symphony No. 9

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    February 2, 1953
    Dvorak: Symphony No. 9


    February 7, 1953
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9
    Wagner: Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)

    February 9, 1953
    Schubert: Symphony No. 9


    February 14, 1953
    All Debussy
    Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
    La Mer

    Recording Session

    February 17, 1953
    Brahms: Hungarian Dances - Nos. 1, 17, 20, 21
    Debussy: Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun. (Rejected - Unpublished)


    March 7, 1953
    All Wagner
    Lohengrin - Prelude To Act 3
    Siegfried Idyll
    Siegfried's Death & Funeral Music
    Tristan - Prelude And Liebestod
    Ride Of The Valkyries

    March 14, 1953
    Schubert: Symphony No. 5
    Smetana: Moldau
    Respighi: Pines Of Rome

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)
    March 17, 1953
    Respighi: Pines Of Rome
    Schubert: Symphony No. 5

    March 21, 1953
    Cherubini: Anacreon Overture
    Mozart: Symphony No. 40
    Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet Overture

    March 28, 1953
    Beethoven: Missa Solemnis
    With Marshall, Merrinan, Conley, Hines

    Recording Session (Carnegie Hall)
    March 30, 31, 1953, April 2, 1953

    Beethoven: Missa Solemnis
    With Marshall, Merriman, Conley, Hines

    Broadcasts Resumed

    November 22, 1953
    Brahms: Tragic Overture
    Strauss: Don Quixote
    With Frank Miller, Carlton Cooley

    November 29, 1953
    Wagner: Tannhauser Prelude To Act III
    Berlioz: Harold In Italy
    Carlton Cooley, viola

    December 6, 1953
    All Beethoven
    Coriolan Overture
    Symphony No. 3

    December 13, 1953
    Mussorgsky: Khovantchina Prelude
    Franck: Les Eolides
    Weber: Invitation To The Dance
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 5

    January 17, 1954
    And January 24, 1954
    Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera
    With Jan Peerce, Robert Merrill, Herva Nelli, Claramae Turner,
    Haskins, Cehanovsky, Moscona, Scott, Rossi

    February 28, 1954
    Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4
    Strauss: Don Juan
    Weber: Oberon Overture

    March 7, 1954
    All Beethoven
    Leonore Overture No. 2
    Symphony No. 6

    March 14, 1954
    Vivaldi: Concerto Grosso Op. 3 , No .11
    Verdi: Te Deum
    With Robert Shaw Chorale (Robert Shaw Director)
    Boito: Mefistofele - Prologue
    With Moscona, Robert Shaw Chorale (Robert Shaw Director)

    March 21, 1954 (stereo recording exists)
    Rossini: Barber Of Seville Overture
    Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6

    April 4, 1954 (stereo recording exists)
    All Wagner
    Lohengrin - Prelude To Act 1
    Forest Murmurs
    Siegfried's Rhine Journey
    Tannhauser - Overture & Bacchanale
    Meistersinger - Prelude To Act 1

    Recording Sessions (Carnegie Hall)

    June 3, 1954
    Remakes Of Portions Of Un Ballo In Maschera
    With Jan Peerce, Herva Nelli

    June 5, 1954
    Remakes Of Portions Of Aida
    With Herva Nelli
    (This Was The Last Time Toscanini Conducted.)

  15. #15
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360
    Pas sûr que le 29 juin 40 à Buenos Aires il a dirigé la 7ème symphonie de Vaughan Williams...

    Merci pour ces infos ! ( c'est le post le plus long du forum non ?!! )

  16. #16
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2008
    1 912
    c'est instructif, on situe bien ce qu'on a manqué, pour moi tous les Martucci par exemple. Je signale aussi que lors du concert de création du 1er essay de Barber, la partition contient vers la fin de l'introduction une dizaine de mesures de transition qui n'existent plus dans les versions ultérieures et qui sont donc tombées avant l'impression. Il s'agit d'un des exemples de transformations les plus spectaculaires (avec l'original de la 2ème symphonie par Koussevitzky).

  17. #17
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360
    Les Essay de Barber sont formidables... Existe t-il un CD proposant le premier par Toscanini ?

  18. #18
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2008
    1 912
    je crains que non, il existe un CD d'enregistrements historiques avec l'adagio par Tosca, mais le 1er essay est le premier enregistrement studio d'Ormandy (très bon d'ailleurs). Celà dit les enregistrements radio circulent.

  19. #19
    - Avatar de mah70
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2007
    6 272
    Il semble qu'il existe un CD sous label Disco Archivia, mais si le son est aussi pourri que le 33 tours pirate que j'ai entendu, je vous souhaite bien du plaisir...
    La seule certitude que j'ai, c'est d'être dans le doute. (Pierre Desproges)

  20. #20
    Membre Avatar de thierry h
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2007
    4 360
    Allons y pour l'Adagio !

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